“Thank you, CIAM, for presenting Dr. Bahr” | “Didactically strong!” | “I begin each session with auricular treatments.”

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The course, How to Treat PTSD and Trauma of the Soul, is very good! I had already completed a trauma course with Dr. Bahr in Germany in 2017. This one is didactically better!
– Hans Bolck | Owner Acupunctuurpraktijk Bolck
“I look forward to have a closer relationship with the knowledge of Dr. Bahr.”
– Dr. Baixiao Zhao | Dean of the School of Acupuncture at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (BUCM)

About the featured instructor

Dr. med. Frank Bahr, Prof. h.c. mult. | Founder of the German Academy for Acupuncture (Deutsche Akademie für Akupunktur | DAA e.V.), Dr. Frank Bahr is a leading contributor to advancements in the field of Auricular Medicine. His contributions include his work with Dr. Paul Nogier on identification and prioritization of focus indicator points, as well as his own work on the existence of an Energy Meridian, approaches in the treatment of baseline weaknesses, and the location of a time line recorded by the nervous system, used to assess, prioritize and treat trauma.

A former student and colleague of Dr. Paul Nogier, Dr. Frank Bahr is recognized for advancing the developments of Nogier to the contemporary Auricular Medicine practiced today and promoted by associations for acupuncture standards in Europe (EATCM), Austria (ÖGKA), and Switzerland (SACAM).
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Video introduction from the course, The Most Important Frequencies in Auricular Medicine (see in courses below).

Instructor publications

Dr. Bahr has presented and published his work internationally earning multiple honorary professor titles. His publications include: Laser Acupuncture and Innovative Laser Medicine (co-authored with Dr. Gerhard Litscher), The Bahr Meridian of Energy (Der Bahr-Meridian der Energie co-authored with Christiane Wesemann) and The Great Book of Classical Acupuncture (Das große Buch der klassischen Akupunktur co-authored with Karin Bushe-Centmayer, Leopold Dorfer, Franz Jost, Gerhard Litscher, Sandi Suwanda, and Hans Zeitler).

Treating Trauma

The first and only publication to appear in English from Dr. Bahr’s German text, Psychische Verletzungen — Seelische Traumen: a CIAM eBook publication (an excerpt covering the topic of soul trauma and how to treat post-traumatic stress disorders), is available online in the course featuring Dr. Bahr.

The New Ear Map

A definitive resource for auricular point location including anatomical and functional points that cover everything from physiological to emotional aspects of the body — as well as medicine analogue points, vitamin & mineral points, and TCM meridians as projected on the ear by the brain.

The Energy Meridian

The energy meridian (EN), discovered by Bahr, is an important addition to integrative, as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine practice. In Auricular Medicine, EN points have application in trauma treatment as well as the identification of the potential for destructive Qi and cancer.

Laser Therapy

Whether as a basis for Auricular Medicine or laser therapy, this book co-authored with Dr. Gerhard Litscher, presents the scientific fundamentals for laser acupuncture, laser stimulation therapy and innovative laser applications. It is also a reference guide for various therapeutical frequencies.